DriverCheck’s External Privacy Policy

DriverCheck is committed to keeping confidential all personal information about you. Our ongoing commitment to protect the privacy and confidentiality of personal information is addressed here in our Privacy Code. We want you to know, in plain terms, why we ask for your personal information, how we keep your personal information confidential, and how you can inquire about the personal information we hold about you.

Our Employees’ Responsibilities

Each and every one of our employees is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information to which they have access.

We keep our employees informed about our policies and procedures for protecting personal information and reinforce the importance of complying with them. All employees are also required, as a condition of employment, to conform to these policies and procedures.

What Is Personal Information

Personal Information is information that identifies you and relates specifically to you. It includes not only your name and address, age and gender but also your personal medical records.

Obtaining and Verifying Your Personal Information

We obtain personal information about you primarily from you through the conduct of medical, drug and alcohol testing. We may also obtain such information from other sources with your consent.

Accessing Your Personal Information

If you want to review or verify your personal information or find out to whom we have disclosed it, you can ask our Privacy & Compliance Coordinator. At that time, we will need specific information from you to enable us to search for, and provide you with, the personal information we hold about you. We may charge you a nominal fee to do this, however we will advise you of the fee in advance.

There are a few instances where we will not be able to provide the personal information we hold about you that you request. Some of these instances include if it:

  1. Contains references to other persons,

  2. Is subject to solicitor-client or litigation privilege,

  3. Contains our own proprietary information that is confidential to us,

  4. Has already been destroyed due to legal requirements or because we no longer needed it for the purposes set out in this Code,

  5. Cannot be disclosed for legal reasons.

If we are unable to provide you with access to your personal information, we will always explain the reasons why.

Keeping Your Personal Information Accurate

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy of your personal information for as long as it is being used for the purposes set out in this Code, and you play an active role in keeping us up-to-date. Should you discover, upon review of your personal information, that amendments are required, please advise us. We will use our best efforts to advise others of any important amendments to your personal information that we may have released to them.

If we do not agree to make the amendments that you request, you may challenge our decision. We will make a record of this challenge and, if necessary, disclose the challenge to third parties that also possess the personal information.

Releasing Your Personal Information

We also have a strict policy of not releasing personal information about you, subject to the exceptions discussed below.

The most common reason for release of your personal information is that you have given your consent (for example, when you consent to release your drug and alcohol testing history to a prospective employer).

Other reasons may include if we have a legal obligation, such as a court order.

Safeguarding and Keeping Your Personal Information Confidential

Your personal information is secure within DriverCheck. We have comprehensive security controls to protect against unauthorized use, alteration, duplication, destruction, disclosure, loss or theft of, or unauthorized access to, your personal information.

Your Choices

As we said earlier, you can choose not to provide us with some or all of your personal information. You can also withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information, as long as:

  • You give us at least sixty (60) days written notice by completing the necessary

    form available.

  • There are no legal requirements for your consent.

In Summary

We take our responsibility to protect the confidentiality of your personal information very seriously.

For more information about our commitment to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information, please contact our Privacy & Compliance Coordinator at 1(800)463-4310 or If you feel that your question or concern has not been satisfactorily addressed, we want to hear from you. Please write to:

P.O. Box 1186, 1 Manley Street Ayr, ON